Payroll Specialist
Job Description
Payroll Processing:
· Understand, explain, and apply payroll and benefit policies, principles, legislation and collective bargaining agreement / Workers Council provisions;
· Verify completed payroll and review reports for accuracy and completeness before distribution;
· Prepare manual payroll cheques in compliance with established corporate procedures and update the payroll system for accuracy;
· Liaise with payroll provider to handle all system issues and required programming and updates;
· Complete system administration for the full set up of new Earnings, Deductions or Memo codes in payroll systems as required;
· Responsible for ensuring the integrity of payroll data, including consistency between local payroll and Workday, including but not limited to salary, other remuneration, hire and termination dates;
· Preparation and distribution of employee communication regarding payroll;
· Support in handling expatriate issues regarding payroll and benefits;
· Align with the Finance department to ensure consistency in definitions, correct payroll ledger allocation and reporting into M3 and related systems.
· Conduct required or necessary research (through government contacts, internet research etc.) to provide accurate, current and verifiable information, guidance and assistance to employees on payroll related subject matters;
· Prepare remittances and reconcile payroll deductions such as union dues, charity, statutory deductions, pension, all 3rd party deductions, and government filings;
· Manage, complete and reconcile all payroll Year End Tax Summaries (Federal & Provincial/State), timely filing and distribution of annual Tax Forms, Provincial/State Health Tax Returns, Workers Compensation year end returns;
· Complete and file the required documentation to the Employment Insurance Commission for the renewal of Federal / Provincial / State reduced employment insurance rate;
· Perform Pension & Insurable Earnings Reviews (PIER) review and assist in audits as required.
Policy and process development and preparation:
· Align with the global Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on executing payroll processes;
· Be a Company liaison with Governmental Tax body, and all required government and third party agencies, relating to payment of deductions and premiums;
· Handle various testing for payroll incidents or enhancements. The testing will include payroll earnings, taxes deductions calculations, benefits calculations and end-to-end detailed review of testing results;
Review and analyze current Workday integration and payroll procedures in order to recommend and/or implement changes leading to best practice.
- College diploma in accounting, business administration, HR or another relevant field
- Payroll certification in local jurisdiction or working towards
- Additional knowledge by education or experience in the field of expertise
- 1-5 years relevant experience in field of expertise
- Communication and written skills in both local language and English
- Good communicator, building relationships, able to make connections between various internal and external contacts
- Clear oral and written skills, effective questioning and active listening. Adapts his/her communication style when necessary
- Able to provide suitable guidance and advice for different audiences
- Able to work as both a team player and independently, with minimal supervision.
- Proven ability to manage time effectively, keep overall view of area of expertise including of future developments
- Strive to operational excellence and high quality, work in transparent and efficient way
- Analytical, problem solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills
¿Qué pasa después?
¡Felicidades! Tu solicitud ha captado nuestra atención de manera exitosa. Estamos impresionados con tus habilidades y experiencias, que sugieren una gran compatibilidad con nuestro equipo. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto con los próximos pasos en el proceso de contratación. Mientras tanto, explora nuestro sitio web para conocer más sobre nuestra cultura y proyectos actuales. ¡Gracias por considerar una carrera con nosotros!
¡Has llegado a la etapa de la entrevista! Esta es tu oportunidad para mostrar tus habilidades y aprender más sobre Nutreco. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para prepararte:
- Investiga: Familiarízate con nuestro propósito y proyectos recientes.
- Revisa: Entiende las principales responsabilidades del rol.
- Prepara Preguntas: Ten preguntas reflexivas listas para demostrar tu interés.
Discutiremos tu experiencia y cómo puedes contribuir a nuestro equipo. Después de la entrevista, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar comentarios de manera rápida. ¡Buena suerte!
¡Gracias por tu interés en unirte a nosotros! Aquí tienes una breve revisión de tu viaje hasta ahora:
- Aplicación: Nos impresionaron tus credenciales y potenciales contribuciones.
- Entrevista: Tu comprensión del rol y tu pasión destacaron.
Ahora estamos finalizando nuestras decisiones y nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto. Apreciamos tu paciencia y entusiasmo mientras hacemos nuestras consideraciones finales.
¡Bienvenido a bordo! Estamos encantados de tenerte en nuestro equipo. Serás una pieza clave en nuestros emocionantes proyectos, aportando tu experiencia al máximo.
Aspectos Destacados de la Integración:
- Orientación: Conoce nuestra cultura y objetivos.
- Encuentro con el Equipo: Conecta con tus colegas.
- Capacitación: Obtén las herramientas necesarias para sobresalir en tu rol.
Estamos comprometidos con tu crecimiento y desarrollo. Tu viaje con nosotros apenas comienza, y estamos emocionados de ver todo lo que lograrás. ¡Bienvenido al equipo!