Key Account Manager

Job Description

Job Profile Summary

The Key Account Manager will be responsible to formulate the strategy of the sales department within the OpCo strategy framework, and, after approval by the General Manager, implements it through effective design and management of the key areas of the department, in order to ensure a strong, innovative and well positioned and growing sales operation, which meets the (total) sales targets of the OpCo, and thereby contribute to the performance of the OpCo.
The job (in higher grades) can be member of the Management Team. A (Technical) Sales Manager is always a people manager (and can never be an individual contributor) and therefore is leading a team of commercial people (can be Sales rep’s, technical sales advisors and/or (key) account managers) and responsible for realizing the overall sales volume of the OpCo. Besides the focus on reaching commercial targets, the (Technical) Sales Manager coaches his/her team to reach their targets and establish (organic) growth.

Job Description

Key accountabilities


Formulates, together with the Marketing Manager, the commercial strategy, consistent with the business strategy of the OpCo, which after approval by the General

Manager of the OpCo, results in short and (mid) long term plans for the Commercial Department and the framework for the key areas of the department.

Business year planning:

Sets up and implements year plan(s) for the key area(s) of the department, including budget(s), in line with the strategy of the OpCo, market developments and financial and other business objectives, in order to give guidance, after approval by the General Manager, for the activities of the department. Establish sales objectives by forecasting and developing annual sales quotas for regions and territories; projecting expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products.


develops and maintains an efficient sales (support) organization, according to the framework of the year plans, in order to obtain the quantitative and qualitative

sales targets, and the sales activities anticipate the market developments. Provide on-the-ground support for sales associates as they generate leads and

close new deals.

 Account management:

Ensures the development and execution of professional account management, and maintains personal relationships with main accounts, within the guidelines of the

annual plans, resulting in optimization of customer/consumer relations and business opportunities, and a positive image of the OpCo in the market.

Business process/operational improvements:

Participates from the own discipline in multidisciplinary project teams on business process/operational improvement issues, within the OpCo strategy and year

plans, in order to optimise the operational performance and thereby contributes to the financial performance of the OpCo.

Budget control:

Controls the budget of the department, takes corrective actions when necessary, and ensures adequate reporting, within corporate guidelines, to ensure that the

OpCo delivers its budget and meets KPI objectives.

People Leadership:

Organises, manages, develops and staffs the department in line with corporate guidelines, in order to be equipped for current and future business challenges and

contribute to the optimisation of business results. Coaches his/her team on a weekly basis to achieve team and individual targets.

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Aplicación Exitosa

¡Felicidades! Tu solicitud ha captado nuestra atención de manera exitosa. Estamos impresionados con tus habilidades y experiencias, que sugieren una gran compatibilidad con nuestro equipo. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto con los próximos pasos en el proceso de contratación. Mientras tanto, explora nuestro sitio web para conocer más sobre nuestra cultura y proyectos actuales. ¡Gracias por considerar una carrera con nosotros!

En Entrevista

¡Has llegado a la etapa de la entrevista! Esta es tu oportunidad para mostrar tus habilidades y aprender más sobre Nutreco. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para prepararte:

  • Investiga: Familiarízate con nuestro propósito y proyectos recientes.
  • Revisa: Entiende las principales responsabilidades del rol.
  • Prepara Preguntas: Ten preguntas reflexivas listas para demostrar tu interés.

Discutiremos tu experiencia y cómo puedes contribuir a nuestro equipo. Después de la entrevista, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar comentarios de manera rápida. ¡Buena suerte!


¡Gracias por tu interés en unirte a nosotros! Aquí tienes una breve revisión de tu viaje hasta ahora:

  • Aplicación: Nos impresionaron tus credenciales y potenciales contribuciones.
  • Entrevista: Tu comprensión del rol y tu pasión destacaron.

Ahora estamos finalizando nuestras decisiones y nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto. Apreciamos tu paciencia y entusiasmo mientras hacemos nuestras consideraciones finales.

Bienvenido al Equipo

¡Bienvenido a bordo! Estamos encantados de tenerte en nuestro equipo. Serás una pieza clave en nuestros emocionantes proyectos, aportando tu experiencia al máximo.

Aspectos Destacados de la Integración:

  • Orientación: Conoce nuestra cultura y objetivos.
  • Encuentro con el Equipo: Conecta con tus colegas.
  • Capacitación: Obtén las herramientas necesarias para sobresalir en tu rol.

Estamos comprometidos con tu crecimiento y desarrollo. Tu viaje con nosotros apenas comienza, y estamos emocionados de ver todo lo que lograrás. ¡Bienvenido al equipo!

¿Aún tienes preguntas?

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Rajshree Gawai

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