Order To Delivery Manager

Order To Delivery Manager

Job Description

Strategy and policies

  • Contributes to the business strategy as well as the business plan on a consecutive level and ensures the translation to mid-term strategy and policy for the Business Unit.
  • Ensures the development and implementation of policies, systems, processes, procedures, standards, controls and targets, covering all areas in scope: Warehousing, Transportation, Delivery, Front Office, Back Office, Safety, Compliance and Labour relationship and agreement, in line with the relevant Nutreco standards and policies
  • Be aware of the new technology, processes and tools to improve quality, safety, service and cost.
  • She will be in charge of set up the strategy for his/her department, regarding Distribution Network, Outsourcing/Insourcing, Warehousing, Traceability, Tracking, Visibility, Transportation, Order to Delivery Process, Technology, and People.
  • Define and implement a Transportation strategy within the market context.

Planning and executing

  • Formulates the annual plan and budget for the Business Unit, acquires approval and monitors the (financial – Cost OPEX, Capex) performance versus the budget and annual plans by giving direction to and exercising control over the operations
  • Ensure the implementation of the year plan and strategy / policy, manages the (operational) activities in the OpCo/BU, within the applicable Nutreco standards and procedures, in order to achieve an efficient and effective execution and delivery of results
  • Develop and establish the right standar operating processes (SOP) and ensure their application through the whole operations in the BU.
  • Have a clear vision along with Supply Planning of Company total requirements vs. capacities to identify gaps to take actions accordingly.
  • Ensures accurate and complete processing of all orders; E2E responsibility (from customer request to customer delivery confirmation). This means accurate and complete processing of all customer orders; end-to-end responsibility (including order collection, data accuracy, validation, processing, transmission; including analysis and decision-making) and the Customer Service Operations (including people, process, and technology). 
  • Tracks operating and financial performance vs. plan / objectives and monitoring service level for each client.
  • Make sure that all the operation is executed as planned with other departments throughout the organization. This includes prioritization of customers and portfolio management, stock allocation and service tracking to customers .
  • Define, stablish and agreed SLA with Sales Department and Customers. Establish and maintain a strong relationship with existing and potential customers
  • Ensures fulfillment of service level commitment established; supporting sales objectives and commitments; Ensures timely and accurate customer order fulfillment, optimizing the cost / service model.  The areas of responsibility of this position include all activities related to warehousing, shipping, transportation and order tracking.

Leadership and people management

  • Provides leadership to his / her area (i.e. setting individual objectives, reviewing performance and providing ongoing feedback on a(n) (in)formal basis) so that all reports are aware of what they are required to achieve and how they are performing against their objectives
  • Manages and coaches a team of professionals, motivates employees through sincere and concrete feedback and take appropriate action when needed, stimulate team cooperation and mobility and ensure that managers and staff are deployable (quantitatively and qualitatively) and willing to and capable of realizing the set objectives.
  • Develop the right incentive plan with HR to motivate Safety, Quality, Service and Cost through the whole production team.
  • Secure talent development and succession plan.
  • Manage relationship with Suppliers, Third Parties, Carriers, etc. in collaboration with Purchasing.


  • Provides insights regarding quantitative and qualitative results and developments by means of periodical and ad hoc reports and/or analyses, based on reporting guidelines, so that adequate management information is available on the current production status that enables management and/or other stakeholders to make (timely) decisions and determine or adjust strategy.
  • Develops and/or monitors the relevant KPI’s to maintain an insight in the performance of the OpCo in the assigned area against the set targets, and to make recommendations to improve efficiency

Investment plan. Opex and Capex controlling:

  • Have the proper development plan (Plant Director) with a clear vision according with Iberia Footprint and Network Strategy, with clear Investment plan and Capex execution for the next 3-5 years.
  • Make sure the investment plan is execute accordingly (format, time and budget).
  • Close follow up of the Opex and other production cost: clear cost center and responsible tracking, deviation analysis and actions implementation to achive budget.

Quality / HSE / Environment Compliance

  • Ensures all activities and operations are executed in compliance with HSE / Quality / Environment rules, regulations, procedures, instructions, guidelines, and promotes culture and awareness, including addressing anomalies to others.
  • Establish, maintain and ensure processes, tools and investments to fulfill Quality and Safety standars.

Continuous improvement

  • Identifies and implements improvements to the OpCo's systems, processes and practices in order to improve / optimize effectiveness and efficiency of the processes.
  • Be the main sponsor and leader for MyWorkplace, Operational Excellence and Lean program deployment as per Global guideline
  • Continuously reviews distribution methods, techniques and procedures, service providers & costs in order to proactively initiate changes to supply chain channels & ensure products are warehoused and distributed effectively at least cost, while supporting efficient customer service. 
  • Leads continuous process improvement efforts as a change agent to identify and capture strategic opportunities to optimize warehouse, manufacturing, and delivery productivity and service levels
  • Monitors KPIs on performance of the department and of suppliers monitored versus contract to drive performance for the Cluster.
  • Development of collaborative customer centric service based solutions and initiatives. VMI (Vendor Management Inventory), CRP (Continuous replenishment), EDI (Electronic Data Interchange ).

Propose improvement and drive improvement projects to increase performance on safety, quality, compliance and cost or service within his/her department appreciated.   

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¿Qué pasa después?

Aplicación Exitosa

¡Felicidades! Tu solicitud ha captado nuestra atención de manera exitosa. Estamos impresionados con tus habilidades y experiencias, que sugieren una gran compatibilidad con nuestro equipo. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto con los próximos pasos en el proceso de contratación. Mientras tanto, explora nuestro sitio web para conocer más sobre nuestra cultura y proyectos actuales. ¡Gracias por considerar una carrera con nosotros!

En Entrevista

¡Has llegado a la etapa de la entrevista! Esta es tu oportunidad para mostrar tus habilidades y aprender más sobre Nutreco. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para prepararte:

  • Investiga: Familiarízate con nuestro propósito y proyectos recientes.
  • Revisa: Entiende las principales responsabilidades del rol.
  • Prepara Preguntas: Ten preguntas reflexivas listas para demostrar tu interés.

Discutiremos tu experiencia y cómo puedes contribuir a nuestro equipo. Después de la entrevista, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar comentarios de manera rápida. ¡Buena suerte!


¡Gracias por tu interés en unirte a nosotros! Aquí tienes una breve revisión de tu viaje hasta ahora:

  • Aplicación: Nos impresionaron tus credenciales y potenciales contribuciones.
  • Entrevista: Tu comprensión del rol y tu pasión destacaron.

Ahora estamos finalizando nuestras decisiones y nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto. Apreciamos tu paciencia y entusiasmo mientras hacemos nuestras consideraciones finales.

Bienvenido al Equipo

¡Bienvenido a bordo! Estamos encantados de tenerte en nuestro equipo. Serás una pieza clave en nuestros emocionantes proyectos, aportando tu experiencia al máximo.

Aspectos Destacados de la Integración:

  • Orientación: Conoce nuestra cultura y objetivos.
  • Encuentro con el Equipo: Conecta con tus colegas.
  • Capacitación: Obtén las herramientas necesarias para sobresalir en tu rol.

Estamos comprometidos con tu crecimiento y desarrollo. Tu viaje con nosotros apenas comienza, y estamos emocionados de ver todo lo que lograrás. ¡Bienvenido al equipo!

¿Aún tienes preguntas?

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Emiliano Gatti

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