HSE Advisor
Job Description
The HSE Advisor is the 1st line HSE specialist role at site level, reporting into to the person in charge of the legal entity (business reporting line), to underpin the overarching importance of Health, Safety and Environment to the business of Nutreco and simultaneously reporting in dotted line to the HSE Lead (functional reporting), to coordinate the deployment and implementation of the Nutreco’s HSE management system.
Being close to the employees and the management, the HSE Advisor supports the implementation of the HSE policies, standards, procedures, training and practices at site level. Provides support and guidance to the management, the employees and externals.
Working within the framework of the HSE management system, he / she has to ensure among other things that the site complies with labour and environmental legislation and Nutreco’s health, safety and environmental requirements and with the standards set by the relevant stakeholders. The HSE management system also assures that the company identifies and reduces risks and potential hazards, and is able to respond effectively to emergencies and the emergency services is well organized.
The level of the role of the HSE Advisor relates to size and complexity of the plant / site, as well as to the distance to / availability of the supervising HSE Lead. Where no HSE Lead is available, the HSE Advisor may be the sole HSE specialist in the organisation. Typically, the more senior HSE Advisor is a seasoned HSE professional.
- Build trust and confidence and collaboration with the HSE team & OPCO representation. Build and execute leadership.
- Lead by example. Role model safety behaviour and actively reinforce the creation of a safe behavioural culture.
- Possess a strong dedication to employee involvement, team building, diversity, and inclusion.
HSE Policy, Plans & Standards
- Implement the global standards and contributes to the formulation of Local HSE policies, procedures and standards by recommending changes, signalling needs, trends and opportunities within the site in order to assure full compliance to HSE standards and continuously improve the HSE performance of the site.
- Implements and manage new or changed policies, programs and standards and practices
- Coordinate the site HSE Council and the lead the HSE Management Reviews Contributes to the formulation and execution of the HSE year plans, annual objectives and HSE goals
- Develops safe standard work practices and procedures with management and staff line personnel
Risk management, Inspection & Audits
- Contributes to the formulation and implementation of emergency & occupational safety and risk inventory and evaluations for the plant / site
- Monitors HSE performance / conformance through safety and housekeeping inspections; Recommends actions for improvement. Collaborates with management and staff to identify and correct potential HSE hazards; takes immediate action if required by the urgency of the situation
- Executes and/or coordinates internal inspections, internal HSE assessments and investigations and initiates and realizes corrective actions in case of deviations, in order to establish compliance with relevant standards and deviations from standards are detected and addressed. Contributes to / assists with external audits / inspections
Training & Advice
- Coordinates and/or executes relevant training programs, introduction and instruction programs on HSE
- Provides advice to management and staff on HSE policies in order to facilitate informed decision-making taking into account HSE aspects and implications.
- Reviews new products, equipment, and processes for potential hazards and recommends modifications before introduction / implementation
HSE tools and systems, Reporting & Analysis
- Manages, implements, maintains and improves local HSE systems in line with Nutreco policy and procedures, relevant legislation, (certification) norms and/or customer demands, in order to provide insight into the state of affairs in HSE
- Reports the required information on HSE performance / progress
- Analyses the relevant lagging and leading indicators / KPI’s for the site, to take or recommend appropriate actions
Incidents and investigations
- Executes all activities related to incidents (i.e. analysis, registration and follow-up), follows-up on non-conformities
- Coordinates activities in case of (potential) crises and incidents in order to adequately handle and /or settle any crises and incidents
- Executes and/or participates in various HSE improvement projects for the site; may prepare / submit relevant permit applications
- Participate to CAPEX related to HSE
Communication & stakeholder management
- Communicates HSE policies at the site in the appropriate language and manner, so that all staff are well informed and able to apply and comply with all relevant HSE policies.
- Builds and maintains a network of relevant stakeholders / partners, including local Safety Champions, in order to ensure commitment and communication regarding Nutreco's HSE objectives
Minimum Qualification:
- Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience
- At least 4 years of strong environmental and or safety experience in the manufacturing operations
Preferred qualification:
- NeBOSH General / International Certificate or equivalent as a minimum
- Confirmed ability to deliver processes effectively to optimize business resources
- Strong project management skills
- Basic business acumen and the ability to partner and communicate effectively with employees and business counterparts
- HSE Leading and Lagging performance indicators
- Integrity
- Leadership
- Teamwork
- Problem analysis
- Organizational skills
- Technical skill and competence
- Communication and public speaking
- Networking
- Self confidence
- Pragmatic and solution oriented
¿Qué pasa después?
¡Felicidades! Tu solicitud ha captado nuestra atención de manera exitosa. Estamos impresionados con tus habilidades y experiencias, que sugieren una gran compatibilidad con nuestro equipo. Nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto con los próximos pasos en el proceso de contratación. Mientras tanto, explora nuestro sitio web para conocer más sobre nuestra cultura y proyectos actuales. ¡Gracias por considerar una carrera con nosotros!
¡Has llegado a la etapa de la entrevista! Esta es tu oportunidad para mostrar tus habilidades y aprender más sobre Nutreco. Aquí tienes algunos consejos para prepararte:
- Investiga: Familiarízate con nuestro propósito y proyectos recientes.
- Revisa: Entiende las principales responsabilidades del rol.
- Prepara Preguntas: Ten preguntas reflexivas listas para demostrar tu interés.
Discutiremos tu experiencia y cómo puedes contribuir a nuestro equipo. Después de la entrevista, nuestro objetivo es proporcionar comentarios de manera rápida. ¡Buena suerte!
¡Gracias por tu interés en unirte a nosotros! Aquí tienes una breve revisión de tu viaje hasta ahora:
- Aplicación: Nos impresionaron tus credenciales y potenciales contribuciones.
- Entrevista: Tu comprensión del rol y tu pasión destacaron.
Ahora estamos finalizando nuestras decisiones y nos pondremos en contacto contigo pronto. Apreciamos tu paciencia y entusiasmo mientras hacemos nuestras consideraciones finales.
¡Bienvenido a bordo! Estamos encantados de tenerte en nuestro equipo. Serás una pieza clave en nuestros emocionantes proyectos, aportando tu experiencia al máximo.
Aspectos Destacados de la Integración:
- Orientación: Conoce nuestra cultura y objetivos.
- Encuentro con el Equipo: Conecta con tus colegas.
- Capacitación: Obtén las herramientas necesarias para sobresalir en tu rol.
Estamos comprometidos con tu crecimiento y desarrollo. Tu viaje con nosotros apenas comienza, y estamos emocionados de ver todo lo que lograrás. ¡Bienvenido al equipo!